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 Democrat , how proud are you?
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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14795 Posts
Posted - March 06 2025 :  08:10:39  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I could write a book about the speech Tuesday night.

But the key fact is that it boils down to one moment.

Devarjaye "DJ" Daniel, a 13-year-old black child who aspired to become a police officer but was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2018. Given 4 months to live.

His head criss-crossed with surgical scars. Trump bringing a shocked smile to his face when made into an honorary secret service officer.

And the only thing democrats could stand and applaud for during his entire speech was for sending money to Ukraine.

Democrat , how proud are you?


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evil

Bill P
Enlightened One

21963 Posts
Posted - March 08 2025 :  13:33:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The dems behavior shows something really disturbing. Did they know how bad they�d look? Didn�t they know the backlash they�d cause? Tone deaf to decency is a horrible place to be. The dems got their �tit in the ringer� with no way out. The left needs medical help. Politics has no cure for their self-inflicted sickness. They�re screwed by their own immoral quest for power and money. It�s about time! May they all suffer greatly for their behavior and the hurt they cause.

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." -Ben Franklin

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