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 The New American Labor Party
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Kilgore Trout
Enlightened One

5909 Posts
Posted - February 16 2025 :  09:12:26  Show Profile  Visit Kilgore Trout's Homepage  Send Kilgore Trout an ICQ Message  Reply with Quote
The new American Labor Party has a core tenant of OBF:

Of the people,
By the people,
For the people

The new ALP recognizes the need for a global government that will protect the global environment and the safety/human rights of workers globally.

The new ALP considers AI a grave threat to humanity and worker�s rights and believes in strict controls on AI.

The new ALP understands that rocketry is almost as polluting as nuclear testing and believes that only governments can operate space programs safely and to the benefit of all mankind.

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You always know that you never know...

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