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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14794 Posts
Posted - February 13 2025 :  08:48:59  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Well, it appears all of these left wing activist groups, marches, and green lawsuits were funded by Tax Payers money.

Not to mention the what, over 50 ngo's that the pritzker family has?

20 billion in one bank from the EPA.

20 BILLION... IN ONE BANK.... THAT CAME FROM THE EPA after Trump won the election and before he took office.

Some call San Salvadore and get them started on prisons. Everyone that was involved in this crap since the 70's need to be shipped off and stuck into a mega prison.

And yes, that includes the Bush Family, the Cheney family and McConnel.


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evil

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