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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14794 Posts
Posted - February 10 2025 :  15:54:43  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
What if Trump takes our 32 billion in gold and backs the US Currency?

What if Trump slims down the government and cuts wasteful spending?

What if Trump Tariffs the world like they tariff us?

What if Trump can eliminate federal taxes and Workers suddenly gain 33 % more spending power?

Why is gold and silver at a point where existing paper calls are being paid to hold because there is a three week backlog of silver and gold to fill it?

Why is gold funneling to New York at a unprecedented rate?

Oh, and thank you Obama for overusing the presidents pen for Obamacare. Betcha didn't see this one coming.....

Sauce for the goose.


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evil

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