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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14795 Posts
Posted - October 28 2024 :  12:36:42  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote

They failed to kill him.

Will he be elected for the third time?


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evil

Bill P
Enlightened One

21963 Posts
Posted - October 31 2024 :  16:09:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes. Trump is widening his lead. Can the dems f**k themselves any more?

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." -Ben Franklin

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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14795 Posts
Posted - November 05 2024 :  13:13:59  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I wonder if we will see a hockey stick surge for heels up harris and gloryhole in the walz?

I think conservative counties should wait until after the blue counties vote counts are certified.


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evilGo to Top of Page

Bill P
Enlightened One

21963 Posts
Posted - November 06 2024 :  15:35:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
�The View� cast,all but Whoopi, were dressed in all black! Childish at best. I never watch those hags, it thought today would be worth a look. It was�for a few minutes.

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." -Ben Franklin

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Bill P
Enlightened One

21963 Posts
Posted - November 06 2024 :  15:38:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hope the left has proper medical, with TDS treatment. Therapy for all!

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." -Ben Franklin

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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14795 Posts
Posted - November 07 2024 :  07:52:24  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
What's more troubling is that we see there are 16,000,000 democrat voters that vanished, or just loved Biden and hated Kamala.

Or never existed in the first place.


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evilGo to Top of Page

Seniorita Moderator

7974 Posts
Posted - November 07 2024 :  18:41:00  Show Profile  Visit b's Homepage  Reply with Quote
So the cast on "The View" being dressed in black was "childish "? I suppose those at the republican convention with maxi pads on their ear were sofisticated?

When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is only difficult for the others.
It is the same when you are stupid.

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El Diablo
Mostly Harmless

14795 Posts
Posted - November 08 2024 :  07:57:38  Show Profile  Visit El Diablo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Yes to the view, no to the maxi pads.

the view is nothing but pathetic leftism left un-cauterized. Seriously,Whoopi was calling for war monger NEOCon Liz CHENEY to be Attorney General? When did the left decide to embrace the freaking cheney's???

Hopefully R.F.Kennedy will get medical advertising ripped off of the media (like the rest of the world), and shows like the view, cnn, msnbc, foxnews can all fade to the rubbish bin of history (where they belong).


blakwing42: Because you're pure, unadulterated, evilGo to Top of Page

Bill P
Enlightened One

21963 Posts
Posted - November 10 2024 :  19:59:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Perhaps �insane, clueless bitches� would be less childish�.and more realistic. I hope you lefties never look at yourselves,and never learn why the voters threw your bullshit out. Nobody to blame but yourselves. Too bad you�ll never understand that.

"He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else." -Ben Franklin

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